Story 18/366

Isnin, Januari 18, 2016

Tidak kusangka~ cerita hari ini selepas beberapa hari menyepi. hehe Sebab kan tiada idea. and... hakikatnya blog yang semakin berat yang beta ndak tahu lagi gi mana mau lakukannya. T.T

Sudahnya beta sedikit heran apa yang dikacau HTML template sampai sidebar kiri terlebih ke kiri dan kini beta menukarkannya ke kanan. dan terasa macam beta ni left handed pulak. 

Omoh~ banyaknya cerita menarik minggu ni. I mean weekend ni. Shocked plus happy punya berita. Hope ianya berkekalan. Amiin~ 

1. Beta menang giveaway. 

Remember beta join segmen GA pada Januari 1, 
Hari ni dia umumkan pemenang. Mula2 beta macam, eh.. aku ada join ke kontest ni.. hurm. Tengok la siapa menang. Then suddenly, la! nama aku!! wow.. Dah la dalam minggu sama, beta berjaya jadi bloglist adik Najwa sempena Segmen Birthday dia. And now, omoh~ thank you guys. 

Meleleh air mata dengan air hidung sekali ha.. berjangkit nih virus dari jiran sebelah rumah 2 beta. Memang alhamdulillah tak terhingga. Tak sia2 dengan dapat geng followers yang sporting lagi baik hati, dengan kalian semua pembaca misteri.. Omaigod~ beta tak habis lagi dengan shock ni. 

Okay. Wake up and get a grip! 

2. Jalan dimudahkan. 

What happen if somewhere you felt you were lost? At the end, someone makes a way for you. Of course happy kan? Even, me myself never had encourage to walk that path alone. In syaa Allah bak kata orang, be positive and all around you will be a good one. 

So, conclusion, this week are my last week at home. Soon, I will fly back to Tanah Parameswara untuk study. Tanpa sedar nanti, tahun ni pun berlalu dengan cepat. 

That story for day 18. Thank for be with me, stay with me. and saranghae~ :D

24 ulasan

  1. Cuba timbang berat blog ..

    btw congrats memang GA and bloglist ^^

  2. seems like you're having a good start for the new week.. may all the good luck be with you throughout the week ^^ have a great days ahead!

  3. After I read your post while listening to this beautiful songs , Reminds me back how I feel this life, eventhough is hard but at the end of the day it gives me a smile . I Like this lyrics of this song that installed in your blog ( I don't know what's this song acually but I like the lyrics . Its such a beauty of lfe ! ) by saying " I'll fix your day to fly away , I fix your day to make you smile , Now I will heal your life , your soul , to fix the day" In the back of highschool day , I like to listen in every music and make a note "How they felt in those lyrics in real life" to me about those lyrics his saying like this "Dont worry you're not alone , I can fix it for you , and your secret are safe with me " Haha well then goodluck for your studies and congratulations for those segment too :)

    1. Waaa~ syamsid comment.. hehe thnx for the reminder and the wish. :')

  4. wahh..tahnia keladi ucpkan....dan semoga ada kebaikan iuntuk anda

  5. tahniah menang GA :) selamat study

  6. Congrats !! ^^ Rezeki kan. Ada di mana2 shj. Hehee. And all the best for ur study :D

  7. Balasan
    1. alhamdulillah. rezeki sis.. kita tak tau kan.. :D

  8. Salam aien! :) maaf la akak main panggil je, ehehe. Alhamdulillah ada pelangi lepas hujan . Allah yang Maha baik! tahniah :)! moga Allah permudahkan segalanya :)

    1. wslm akak.. thnx for drop by. Alhamdulillah. :')


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