Khamis, Oktober 03, 2019

Hi~ Assalamualaikum | this is the quick entry before go to bed.

For many month I was stalking those ig that make for the journey of decorating their home. So, here I am with some spirit of inspiration from them. Hope this will going so well. Cause nothing can make me happy then make my house so homey so everyone in that house will be happy.

This is not so official yet, cause I still searching for alternative way to make a good picture in that instagram.

Everyone knew that instagram is the place where people put their picture with some caption. It's not just a picture but the thing is how to make a good picture?  A good impression for people. Hm.. Hope I can do better than that haa.

So, if you what follow up my journey. Do click on instagram of rumah iznonayizz or click on picture up there! Thanks ya~

See you on next story. 

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