Jumaat, Oktober 25, 2019


Hi~ Assalamualaikum | Salam Jumaah 

buat warga readers on Kisah Aienienka yang selalunya sendu, ada masanya hype dan kebanyakannya sepi. 

Well, I tried to make this blog lively as well, still I can do as much I want to. Yeah? People do make excuses on their own unknown reason why. So, me one of them. Huh, blah blah blah. 

Hey! Get up! It's friday gais. Happy Weekend and you! gather up, pack you things and move away! 

How does people react when you say like that to them? Haiyaa~ I am so sad cause I am such a teribble mother. Owh, anak! Kesian, dorang tak minta pun dilahirkan yet kita terutama aku as a mother can't bear of their tantrum. 

Like,, god! Why I am doing this?? *menangis bucu katil* 

Is it normal being a parents and you have a dual personality. One a good mood and the other is the hulk one. haa~ 

Fuh,, be strong mother! You can do it! 

Have fun though. Dorang selalunya tantrum mesti ada sebab. As Nayla, I do understand that she was jealous with her brother. Yet, she also don't have enough time with me. Nasib la Najmi tu pasrah je kakak dia buat apa. 

While I am already be a parents, now I do realise so much thing. The awkward yet it's the truth that people don't want to admit is.. 

Is that right? People intend to give so much advise, but their don't realise that word will come back for them. Like me. One time ago, i was this bad girl. Doesn't like kids, especially the 2 years old and above. Cause the kid can give any expression of them self. They throw a tantrum, they mad when don't like it, they make a noise so that people look at them. In other word, they can do anything they want so easily to make the adult look upon them. Such a carefree person? 

But, what we do as an adult? Sometimes we yell at them, tell them to sit properly. Keep quite in high pitch voice. Oh well, this is I'm doing right now.. Cause myself don't have enough of sabr. Allah~ Sometimes she make me smile alone, watching her so lonely from behind. Make me remind my childhood be like.. And now I do realise my mom feeling. Oh, how bad I am in both way. Being a daughter and a mother. Allah~ 

Luckily of me, I found those telegram that somehow make me reflect my behaviour to my kids. End of the day, I will make it up for her especially cause dia la selalu menguji kesabaran Ibu dia ni. Somehow she so understood for me. That make me sad. 

In these day, when she keep it up her tantrum, I kept saying the bad word to her. T^T
Even though some people might say, "Dulu, hidupe je kita dengan mak ayah garang." OR "Sebat dan rotan la mengajar aku jadi manusia." 

Yet, kita sedar tak hakikat sebenarnya kita ni dah berada di zaman fitnah dan apapun yang kita lakukan is make people do a simple assumption to us. Cause orang takkan faham tempat kita. Tapi sedar la, bahawa ada orang nak berada di tempat kita sebagaimana kita nak berada di tempat oranf tu. Kan? 

The end up this jurnal, I must tell myself. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't make an easy assumption, don't look higher that yours, and make something that you really want. 

And last but not least, here I keep a doa that I found in I don't remember where, but a parenting website, that tell us. When you handling those kids in tantrum, here some tips. 
And this the doa. Dari ayat al-Quran. Surah As-syura ayat 19. 
Moga, kita sama-sama dikurniakan kesabaran, kekuatan mental dan fizikal serta positif vibes supaya kita boleh turunkan pada anak-anak kita. Well, have a good weekend people. 

Khamis, Oktober 24, 2019


Hi~ Assalamualaikum | K-Movie: The Gangster, The Cop and The Devil

Huish~ Tajuk macam apa kan? syiok laa kan. As usual lakonan Encik Ma ni memang semuanya tentang aksi dan aksi sahaja. Tak ada lagi setakat ni cerita dia yang bukan aksi yang Aien dah tengok. 

Sinopsis cerita ni is about a vengeful crime boss forms an unlikely partnership with a detective the catch the elusive serial killer who viciously  attacked him.

Bila penjenayah dan polis bergabung mesti gempak kan? Ma Dong Seok as Jang Dong Soo the crime boss was stabbed by serial killer yang bunuh orang ikut suka dia je siapa dia nak bunuh. Dan kes dia tak pernah dapat diselesaikan oleh pihak polis. Kim Myung Yeol as Jung Tae Suk, a detective yang gila-gila pergi buat deal dengan gang boss ni tadi. Sebab dia rasa, satu-satu orang yang selamat dari serial killer yang sama dorang pulak cuba nak tangkap tapi tak dapat. 

Namun, pihak atasan dia, as usual biasa la ada corruption between higher tiers and criminal cuba nak sembunyikan hakikat tu. Sebab takut la kena apa-apakan gang boss ni tadi. 

Maka bermula la perjalanan dorang dua menangkap seriel killer ni. Fuh, orang psycho je suka bunuh orang ni. Dia rasa dia main peranan untuk bunuh siapa yang dia rasa tak layak nak hidup. 

The end of story, of course dorang berjaya tangkap the devil ni, and u olls mesti la kena tengok how dorang buat. Nak cerita spoiler la pulak kan. 

No worries, korean movie atau drama sangat friendable access everywhere. Hehe

K bai. 

Isnin, Oktober 21, 2019


Hi~ Assalamualaikum | Nezha Birth with of Demon Child

First of all, auww~ this movie so cute. And I was found out this movie are the most watching chinese animation movie. Box Office haa~ Almost 600 billion dollar gais. 

The Sinopsis: 

The Primus extracts a mixed Yuan beads into a spirit bead and a demon bead. The spirit bead can be reincarnated in human to help King Zhou establish a new dynasty, the demon bead will create a demon and harm human. Ne Zha is the one who should be spirit bead hero but he becomes a devil incarnate, because the spirit bead and the demon bead is switched. 

Itu sinopsis secara ringkasnya pinjaman ikhlas dari Encik Google. 

Dari opinion Aien yang menonton movie ni dengan no sinopsis, cause I was download this movie, sebab title dia seem like menarik perhatian and kena dengan selera tekak Aien. Dan dengan subtitles yang harem dia,, paham sendiri laa. Haha 

Last, dah balik rumah sendiri, baru ada line dan googling maksud dia, baru tengok balik. 

Cerita ni sesuai la tengok bersama anak-ank di hujung minggu sebab cerita ni kartun. Animation. And Ne Zha so cute demon. 

Dia sepatutnya lahir sebagai yang baik, akan tetapi beads tu kena curi oleh junior master tu, yang ingin bangsa naga menakluki dunia. So, end up Ne Zha ni demon Child. He was memberontak pada mulanya sebab semua orang put the curse on him. Yela, budak jahat, siapa suka? And luckly, mak dan ayah dia sentiasa positif dan bawak kesan yang baik pada Ne Zha bila dia tahu sebenarnya dia unwanted child. 

Best,, lagi la bila part yang Ne Zha ni lawan dengan yang Spirit Bead tu, cuba nak musnahkan dunia manusia. Tapi, mereka bersahabat dan Ne Zha sangat utamakan sahabatnya itu. 

Moral of story whoever pun diri kau, apapun orang kata kau siapa dan apa, diri kau yang menentukan segalanya. Seem nice animation but it's full of pengajaran that we as adult can use it. Dari segi animation dia,  sangat suka dan baik macam kalah je Final Fantasy punya CGI. Hehe