Rabu, April 07, 2021

The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Return with A Hybrid Book Sale



SELANGOR, APRIL 7, 2021 --- Get ready as the World’s Biggest Book Sale, with up to 99% off the recommended retail price, makes a comeback with a Hybrid Sale combining the much-awaited Big Bad Wolf Book Sale’ on-ground Book Sale event together with the Online Book Sale. The first-ever Hybrid Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Malaysia 2021, kicks-off from the 1st to 12th of April 2021, offering book lovers and bibliophiles alike, the chance to browse and shop from more than 60,000 book titles. 

After a long hiatus, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is set to make a come-back with a bang, by hosting not one but two on-ground Sales in the Southern region of Malaysia. The Toppen Shopping Centre and AEON Mall Dato’ Onn, Johor Bahru, will be Big Bad Wolf Book Sale’ ‘wolf dens’ for 12 consecutive days [10 am to 10 pm], where shoppers can peruse at their own leisure, through a vast collection of books that are sold at amazingly low prices!   

For those who want to shop from the comfort of their own homes, the Big Bad Wolf Online Book Sale’ e-commerce website will be available live 24 hours a day at


Shoppers will be spoilt for choice at the Hybrid Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Malaysia 2021 as both Sales will be offering bestseller titles ranging from popular novels to science fiction, romance, literature, graphic art and business books to architecture, cookbooks, and many more, all under one website and at two on-ground locations in the heart of Johor Bahru.

“We are extremely excited and thrilled to be kicking-off our maiden comeback Big Bad Wolf Book Sale for 2021 by launching our first-ever Hybrid Book Sale that will run for 12 consecutive days. We have partnered with Toppen and AEON to hold our on-ground Sales in Johor Bahru that will be open daily from 10 am to 10 pm. Simultaneously, our Online Book Sale’ e-commerce website will be going live 24 hours daily to cater to our customers nationwide. We could not hold our World’s Biggest Book Sale for more than a year now due to the pandemic. Hence, we decided to host a Hybrid Book Sale to ‘quench the thirst’ of our loyal customers who have been patiently waiting for the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale to return,” said Andrew Yap, Co-Founder of Big Bad Wolf Books. 

“There are amazing deals such the ‘1SEN Deal’ on offer for the Hybrid Book Sale as well free shipping within Peninsular Malaysia with a net purchase of RM180 and 50% off shipping with no minimum spend for orders and delivery within East Malaysia,” added Yap.

For our customers and staff's safety and hygiene, preventive safety SOPs measures, and precautions enforced by the Government of Malaysia will be adhered to at all times. Customers entering the Sale will be constantly monitored to ensure that they wear a mask and maintain a safe distance from one another while shopping. 


Giveaway Sampul Raya Hipster

 Uish, Kak Fiza buat giveaway?? Kena join ni walaupun dia kata hadiah tak gempak. IDK kak.. Nak join jugak. 

Nak sampul raya akak. Nanti kita simpan je tamau kasi orang pun. Hahaha

Berapa tahun dah simpan hasrat nak beli sampul raya dari kak Fiza ni. Tapi belum ada rezeki lagi. Mana tau kali ni rezeki anak-anak pulak dapat sampul raya ni kan. 

Giveaway dah pun bermula dua hari lepas, dan akan berakhir pada 12 April 2021. 

Nah, bagi korang belom berkesempatan tu jemput la join, mana tau ada rezeki korang jugak kan. Sebagai tanda support kak Fiza yang gambarnya sentiasa debam deboom gitu. Idola jugak ni. Hehe 

All the best semua! 

Khamis, April 01, 2021

Benda berlaku pada March 2021


Hai, April! 

As usual on first day every month mesti la nak recap apa yang berlaku pada bulan lepas kan. Even tiada la benda besar berlaku, still nak jugak la cerita. Cause I had no idea to write. 

Bila ditengok balik entry sepanjang Mac, O M G! Cuma ada 9 je entry? Apa ni Nur? Mana pergi semangat kau nak tulis macam-macam.. 

Entah la, pregnancy kali ni mood swing dia more to doing nothing. Kata orang Kedah, balok liat! Pemalas ya amat! Kata suami pulak, asyik sebut malas, malas, memang la jadi malasnya. Ooppss! Sorry! 

Udah ler drama pun tamau tingok, kerja apa pun teda. cuma selesaikan rutin harian je la. Masak kemas rumah, tengok anak-anak. 

Oh ya, bulan lepas Aien sign up as Sysfel Consultant yang pada mulanya niat nak cuba kembangkan duit sinaran sekaligus cuba produk sysfel iaitu Cberries tu. 

Alhamdulillah selesai satu kotak trial Cberries macam serasi. Makanya daku up lagi satu produk Sysfel, 

Cberries Extra Strength Formula, katanya yang ini lagi banyak khasiat dari yang atas sana tu. Yang ini pun dah settle satu kotak jugak. Walaupun hasil yang tak ada la terus wow gitu pun I can feel my skin much moist, tak ada kering-kering lagi. Moga ianya terus memberi kesan. 

Pahtu bulan ni juga Najmi dirujuk kepada pakar pemakanan alhamdulillah kena tarikh tu segalanya normal. Nanti 19/4 pulak follow up dengan doktor. 

Ibu pulak 30/3 hari tu, dah cukup 26 minggu pregnancy. Alhamdulillah. Moga baik-baik jugak la kan. 5/4 ni kena repeat air gula pulak. Urgh~ 

Sempena cuti Ulang Tahun keputeraan Sultan Johor ritu, Cik Laki bawak kami anak beranak mandi di Teluk Ramunia, Pengerang Johor. Syiok habis. Sampai hari ni Nayla asyik menyebut je nak ke pantai lagi. 

Kisah ni tak ada coret kat blog pulak. ulang lagi, sampuk jin M tu. Beso ya amat! 

Yang best bulan March ni dapat hadiah dari Ako Retna hasil menang giveaway yang beliau anjurkan. Moga murah rezeki beliau. 

Last but not least. Jom la kita doa agar Raya nanti boleh rentas negeri. Hehe