Rabu, Disember 08, 2021

Prestasi Blog November 2021

 Hewwww,, susah benaran nak kutip semangat untuk teruskan menaip ni.. Yet, masih di sini dan teruskan usaha menaip apabila Google Search Team hantar emel. Wow wow wow.. 

Macam biasa kita update cerita blog saban bulan untuk keep on track walaupun menulis segan hidup mati pun tamau. Jadi, here we go. 

Jika dilihat makin merundum page with first impressions tu, aiguuu~ Namun, dari segi clikcs dan impressions sendiri agak cantik naik. Alhamdulillah, moga tahun baru boleh bawak berita baik lagi. Jika berkongsi content yang lebih menarik. 

Agaknya sejak kes copyright oleh blogger terkenal tu, orang mencari. Tapi bila diperiksa balik, Aien tidak lagi di first page carian utama "Sa Balik Baju". sob sob jap. Tapi blogger copy tu ada. Bila dicari kembali atas carian "Sa Balik Baju Cast-" baru nampak blog sendiri. 

Halal je la duhai Nur.. Nak buat lagu mana. Yang paling top dalam carian movie ni Kak Fizah, Farhana Jafri dan Tiara Sapphire hebat dalam menulis review ni. Aien masih bertatih menyusun bahasa yang orang mudah nak baca. Dan masih dalam bayangan Aien sendiri.

Yang masih mencari tarikan orang untuk ke blog ni semestinya tentang barang baby, kehamilan dan sebagainya. Aiguu~ ibu anak tiga ni berebut la nak curi masa menulis untuk korang . Maafin guwe ya. Harap membantu la yek. Banyak sebenarnya ideas, tapi, apakan daya. ini yang kumampu persembahkannya..  

Doakan in shaa Allah next year banyak lagi perancangan untuk majukan blog supaya boleh berjaya macam blogger Sii Nurul

Next! Macamana orang cari Aienienka ni. Urgh~ should I change my name? naa, tamau laa. Biar ini jadi identiti saya di alam maya. Kan kan kan . Tapi macam susah PR nak menyebut. haha Ibu is konfius. Korang rasa macamana? 

Tukar or tak payah tukar nama? Dulu guna nama pena ni, tak pernah terfikir one day nak jadi influencer ke, blogger official work for review ke. Tapi, saja nak cabar diri. Bergaul dengan orang sejak sekian lama peram diri dengan anak-anak. Bila dah jumpa orang. kekok pulak rasa. 

Jangan gelakkan pulak tengok Bounce rate tingfi ke mahen tu. Ritu ada sekali drop sampai 77% . happy amat. Sekali bila dah probs. Dia naik sampai 89% .. sedihnya lahai. Sekali ni bukak, ish. hijau laa. Alhamdulillah la jugak awak masih nak hijau. Ajum la kita ramaikan orang untuk datang ke mari. 

Satu lagi carian baru yang menarik orang sentiasa nak datang ke mari? Iaitu.. 

Cerita pasal skincare. Anak-anak muda zaman la ni semua suka jaga wajah. Apatah lagi yang makin jiwa muda ni. Bila dilihat kembali, semua nak kena buat cantik. Gambar kena ada prop elok. Video kena editing elok. Aien ni ikut done je, janji kenangan tu semua ada. Agaknyaa inj la sebab.. Allah Allah. Tak apa Nur, kita jumpa tahun hadapan. Mudahan murah rezeki. Nadhira esok la ibu cerita. 

Okay, secara keseluruahan Aien okay je semua ni. Tak ada la jugak nak keep momentum naik jadi content creator. Alang-alang dah buat kena buat betul-betul ye dak? In shaa Allah doakan untuk kami. 


Isnin, Disember 06, 2021

Building Lasting Memories and Awesome Friendships at LEGOLAND® MALAYSIA Resort

 Building Lasting Memories and Awesome Friendships

at LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort

The resort’s largest fun-filled Friendship Fest kicks off, emphasising the importance to connect and interact with friends


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Theme parks ignite a certain joy for many people regardless of age, making visits a lifelong memory. As 2021 draws to an end, 

LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort spotlights the celebration of friendship, presenting guests with a fun way to reconnect and share new experiences. 

Taking on the theme “Largest Fun, Built on Friendship”, LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort’s Friendship Fest is set to begin on 3 December till 9 January with a list of fresh activities that is sure to keep everyone buzzing with excitement.

“Friendships are built to last, provided there are efforts to keep the connections going and enjoy special moments together. The months of isolation have made it difficult for children and adults alike to do all of that,” said CS Lim, Divisional Director at LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.

He added, “LEGOLAND itself is a safe and excellent destination for children and families to spend quality and build awesome memories. By extending the Friendship Fest as our latest attraction, we want to bring different ways to help children rekindle drifted connections and make new friends, reminding them again the value of treasuring their BFFs.” 

Childcare experts report that friendships are important for a child’s happiness, health, and development. Friendships benefit children by in many ways, including improving social skills as well as developing learning capabilities like collaboration, problem-solving, and communication.

All activities throughout the festival are designed to help them loosen up once again to play and interact with their closest friends and even make new ones. The event is themed around the LEGO® Friends TV show with its main characters – Mia, Emma, Olivia, Andrea, Stephanie – a super group of girls that are funny, smart, problem solving, fun, quirky, silly, sarcastic and are the kind to not take themselves too seriously. The group also embodies various personality traits, making it easy for anyone to relate and connect with. 

This event marks one of the biggest partnerships between LEGO and LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort in recent times. The festival was designed for a journey of fun with colours, performances and even science experiments that entice senses while leaving nothing but a smile on our guests’ faces all day. It is truly an event that has something for everyone. 

A Glimpse of What to Expect

During the Friendship Fest, visitors will find many fun activities themed according to the LEGO Friends characters around LEGOLAND including: - 

A Live Performance:

Sing and dance along with LEGO Friends of Heartlake City super group, girl gang during their performance - LEGO Friends, LIVE!. This is also the very first live LEGO Friends performance ever for LEGOLAND globally and LEGOLAND Malaysia is excited to be the first to share it with Malaysian guests!

Meet and Greet:

Meet the girls up close and share a moment with your favourite or all of them as they cruise around in their NEW Rides blasting their favourite songs! You might even get to catch Olivia’s Robot Zobo and Emma’s Motor Scooter. 

Other Activities:

  • Sing your heart out and express yourself freely at Andrea’s Karaoke booth! 

  • Nurture your love for animals at Mia’s Stables and build a Bella – Mia’s favourite horse!

  • Embrace your competitive side with Stephanie’s Shoot and Score. Be prepared to show off your sporty skills and become top of the scoreboard.

  • Emma’s Expressive Art Class is where you can let your imagination flow.

  • Move your body with Stephanie’s Stepathon.

  • If you’re as curious as Olivia, check out Olivia’s Mad Science show to learn some crazy experiments.

  • Love a good mystery and problem to solve, get your detective hat on to help the girls find a few missing belongings with Friends Fun Find.

  • Embrace 2022 with a spectacular light show with a LEGO twist at the Fireworks Extravaganza at 8.00pm on 31 December

  • Dance with the LEGO Friends to their favourite Holiday Song at the LEGO Friends Xmas Special 

  • Stand a chance to win amazing gifts everyday at our daily Advent Calendar Draw when you spend more than RM50 at any LEGOLAND Retail Store. 

  • Say farewell at our daily Farewell Show where we light up LEGO Duplo Tree to end the day on a festive show.  


  • Strut your stuff down the catwalk and let your inner celebrity lose during Andrea’s Catwalk Contest – you may just be the winner of some fantastic prizes.

  • Put your building skills to the test with Mia’s Speed Building cause she’s looking for the fastest builder to gift a special prize.

LEGO DOTS Promotion

LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort is also offering guests the opportunity to create their own DOTS bracelet at the DOTS cart and bring it home, completely free of charge, with the purchase of any LEGO Friends or LEGO DOTS playsets valued at RM149 and above.

For more information on the exciting line-up of activities, head over to the official website, https://www.legoland.com.my/explore/shows-entertainment/friendship-fest-1/  or via the social media pages on Facebook and Instagram

Friendship Fest Promotions From LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort


12.12 24-Hour Super Sale

Customers can get 50% off when they purchase any 1-Day Theme Park, 1-Day Double Park or 1-Day Triple Park ticket on 12 December 2021. 

Exclusive Hotel Promotion for Triple Park Annual Pass Holders

Triple Park Annual Pass Holders are entitled to get 20% off their next hotel stay with the promo code “APHP1”. 

Early Bird Gets The Worm

Guests that book their 1-Day Single Park, 1-Day Double Park, or 1-Day Triple Park tickets at least 3 days in advance are eligible for a 25% discount on their tickets. 

LEGO Shopping Spree

1 - Shop LEGO Exclusives and accessories and get 30% off any one (1) LEGO Playsets of your choice.

2 - Redeem and Customize your FREE LEGO DOTS Bracelet with Min. spend of RM 149 on LEGO Friends/LEGO DOTS playsets. 

(*Ticket and Hotel promotions are exclusively available on the official LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort website)

LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort Friendship Festival Guide



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ps: Nayla kalau dibawak ni memang tak balik la jawabnya. 😂

Jumaat, Disember 03, 2021

Hello, last month of twenty twenty one


Bila masuk je bulan terakhir setiap tahun mesti perasaan bercampur baur. Kenapa? Pasal hati seronok dah bulan holiday, bulan cuti. Dalam masa yang sama sedih bahawa tahun 2021 bakal meninggalkan kita. 

Setelah  2 tahun hidup dengan pandemik. Virus Covid-19 ibarat satu perkiraan yang wajib bagi semua manusia atas muka bumi. Kadang malas juga nak ambil tahu, penat nak tengok nombor makin tak turun. Buat tambah stress sendiri. Sudahnya pandai-pandai la jaga SOP. 

Tahun hadapan adalah tahun ketiga bersama virus itu, katanya ada varian yang lagj menganas. Belom tambah lagi dengan harga barangan makin mencanak naik. Berhuhu keluarga Malaysia ni.     

Eh.. apa benda yang aku tulis ni. Nak bebel apa wei? Aku cuma nak cakap pasal bulan terakhir tahun ni je. Ko melalut kenapa. Adoooooi.. 

Haa, aku cuma nak dapatkan menaip sampat 500 patah perkataan. Rajin nau kan? Nak recap bulan lalu, kami berjalan sokmo je. Balik dah duduk rumah relax-relax ja lagi. Pahtu ni pun masih pulun jalan di Sarawak pulak. In shaa Allah balik nanti Aien update la. Macam-macam benda nak share. Harap semua boleh buat la kan. Aamiin. 

Korang macamana di hujung tahun ni? Moga semua baik-baik saja okay. Apapun moga Allah permudahkan urusan korang para pembaca dan rakan blogger sekalian. Apapun dugaan yang korang hadapi, dapat diberikan kesabaran dan ketenangan dalam mengharunginya. 

Okay, tu je nak cakap. Haha konon 500 patah perkataan. Ni nak lepas 300 pun payah. Eh.  

Dengar citer varian baru covid makin meliar. Korang stay safe tau. Jaga diri. Jaga mental. Moga kita baik-baik aja. Akhir zaman ni kena redha je semua. Usaha moga jadi hamba yang beriman dan bertaqwa di samping melalui baki-baki kehidupan. 

Itu la tu, nak semua pengakhiran yang baik macam diri ni, tetap alpa dalam godaan dunia. Setiap perkara yang berlaku, firasat mengatakan sudah lagi wahai diri. bertaubat la sebelum pintu taubat tutup. Tapi, masih lagi. Allah Allah 

Jom sama-sama kita baiki diri. Diberikan kesempatan untuk bertaubat moga Allah terima taubat kita semua. Stay safe stay health okay. Nak vitamin eskayvie boleh roger. 😉


Ada promo hebat untuk bulan ni tau. #kitaikhtiar semoga dapat hindar diri daripada wabak covid ni. Untuk diri dan juga anak-anak. Satu keluarga sehat, in shaa Allah harmoni.